Imitate Church is a local assembly with men and women, young and old alike, who share a passion and goal: to reveal Christ with the gospel about the sufferings, crucifixion, death, resurrection and ultimately glorification of our Lord Jesus and to equip believers for the work of the ministry.

We are passionate about the Great Commission; to go into the world to evangelize, disciple, teach, train, and instruct men to respond to the work of the ministry of reconciliation. (2Corinthians 5:19).

As a local church, we congregate around the person of Christ and not other activities or personalities. We acknowledge that the gathering of the saints is primarily for Word and prayer. We however minister to the different needs of the brethren both at the assembly and away from the assembly. We strongly value prayer and are committed to family (both spiritual and natural).

Our prayer is that God would continue to establish you in grace and in the knowledge of his son, Christ Jesus daily. Shalom!

Evangelism is how we Reproduce and Discipleship is how we Grow.

When the multiplication/fishing of men stops, the power of darkness will prevail; and when discipleship stops, the church becomes powerless!

Our Heartbeat

One thing you will always find in our meetings is teaching of the Word with strong emphasis on the doctrine of Christ. We disciple men of all tribes and nations. We believe that every believer should be a disciple of Christ and serves in the local church.

We believe and teach that Christ is the message of the Bible. The approach of what we preach and teach is in the light of what He has done by faith through the grace of God, in his life, burial, death and resurrection.

We value reaching out to the lost as well as establishing the already saved. We are intentional in our missional and discipleship approach. We labor to reconcile the lost back to God and establish believers in the faith.


We are here to reveal Christ to the world!

The local church is God’s idea; it is Christ’s body in fellowship and expression on earth. As a local church, Imitate’s vision is no different from that of our Lord Jesus Christ evident in the Scriptures.

Our Mission

We do this by equipping every member of the church through teaching and training for the work of the ministry.

Our Goal

Our goal is to present every believer perfect in the knowledge of Christ and in-turn perfecting others.

Our Statement Of Faith

  • We believe that Jesus is the central personality and the embodiment of the entire Bible; and without him, there’s no Christianity.
  • We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
  • We believe that Jesus is God-incarnate, came as a man, dwelt among us and still divine.
  • We believe in salvation by grace through faith only in Jesus Christ alone.
  • We believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit; and that speaking in other tongues is a gift to the body of Christ today.
  • We believe in the Great Commission as given to every believer which is the Ministry of Reconciliation.
  • We believe in the God of miracles and that miracles are still for today.
  • We believe in a good God and Father who loves the world and sent his only son to save whoever would believe in his testimony.
  • We believe that the Gospel is the Power of God; that Jesus died, was crucified, buried, and raised from the dead, glorified and the believer is now seated together with Him in high places.
  • We believe in the indwelling of the Spirit; and that God’s original purpose was to dwell in man forever.
  • We believe in generosity; i.e. honouring God’s house, giving to the gospel, the labourer in the word and the needy.

Every member of the local church is called to go and make disciples therefore they should be able to teach, preach the gospel of Christ.


1. It’s God’s idea in motion; Christ’s body in fellowship and expression on earth.

2. It’s a place where the teaching of the Word with strong emphasis on the doctrine of Christ is upheld.

3. Prayer is acknowledged and valued as a serious responsibility for every member and is cultured/woven in all our meetings without fail.

4. The baptism of the Holy Spirit and His accompanying gifts are highly esteemed and demonstrated both in teaching and expression in our meetings.

5. Reconciliation of the unsaved back to God
(evangelism) and establishment of believers in the faith (discipleship) is at the core of our pursuits and labours.

Our goal is to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. This is why we invite you if you are in search of a New Testament patterned local assembly.


As a church we have a set of values that govern how we serve and go about the activities so as to fulfill our mission.